
08/01/2011 12:56

  We all fall victim to at least a few lies during the course of our lifetime. Some lies may be extremely troublesome to our personal wellbeing, while other “white lies” may be far more innocuous. Either way, a lie is meant to deceive. So how can we avoid falling victim to a lie in the future? I believe you can identify a lie or a liar by asking a person 6 simple questions:
在我们的一生中,至少会有一些谎言给我们带来伤害。有的谎话可能会对我们的个人幸福带来麻烦,而其他的“善意的谎言”可能是无害的。但不管怎么样,谎 言总意味着欺骗。所以,以后我们怎样才能避免成为谎话的受害者呢?我相信,通过以下的6个简单的问题,你可以识别谁说谎了。

while the truth is putting on its shoes.

- Mark Twain

1、How do you know this? - This is the very first question you should ask someone when they tell you something that you are unsure of. It immediately uncovers the source of the information and should give insight into whether the bulk of it is based on scientific fact or educated opinion. Although it seems like a very simple question, it is one of the most demanding questions you could ask someone. It informs them that you are not a pushover and forces them to backup their claims.
“你是怎么知道的?”——当别人告诉你一些你不确定的事情的时候,你应该首先问这个问题。它立刻揭示了消息的来源,并且使你可以洞察这些消息是基于科 学还是学者的观点。虽然看起来这是一个很简单的问题,但它是你问他人的最必要的问题之一。这个问题告诉他们,你不是一个容易打发的人,并且这迫使他们对他 们所说的重新思考。

2、What are the major concerns or risks? - Anybody who has performed the proper research on a topic for which they claim to be an expert should also be able to explain their major concerns in vivid detail. No plan is perfect. There will always be some level of concern or risk. If the person claims there is zero risk and no concerns, they are lying to you.

3、Why do you think others might have an opposing view? - There are always a few different ways to interpret a specific set of data. No matter what side of the argument a person is on, you can be sure that at least one other person has an opposing view. Once again, if someone has done the proper research they should have a pretty good idea of what creates this opposing view. Thus, they shouldn’t have any problem explaining it, even if their explanation is merely an educated hypothesis.
“为什么你会认为别人会有相反的看法?”——对一系列特定的数据通常会有好多种不同的方法来解释。不管那人所持的是哪方面的反对意见,你可以肯定的是 至少有另一个人持有反对观点。再者,如果某人对某项课题经过了适量的研究,他们应该知道是什么让别人产生了不同的意见。因此,解释这些观点对他们来说应该 没有问题,即使他们的解释是一些学术性的假说。

4、Can you please explain this in layman’s terms? - A person might use complex terminology in order to sneak a lie past your better judgment. The idea is that their complex terminology will throw you off, and instead of questioning the information, you move on to prevent yourself from looking naive. Never look past something you don’t understand. Get the facts straight. Make them explain themselves 20 times if necessary until you understand what they are saying. Until you understand the information, presume that they are wrong even if they sound smart.
“您能否用外行人的术语来解释它?”——为了从你更敏锐的判断下偷渡谎言,有些人会应用复杂的术语。他们的想法是,他们复杂的术语会摆脱你询问相关信 息,因为你会假装自己听的懂,让自己看起来不幼稚。从来不回过去看看那些你不明白的东西。(但你要做的是)直接了解事实。如果有必要的话,让他们解释20 遍,直到你听懂他们在讲什么为止。只有你明白了信息,即使它们听起来很专业,你也能判断他们的真假。

5、Do you mind if I sleep on it? - A lie, no matter how complex, is always paper thin from a certain angle. If you have enough time to analyze the information and look at it from every angle you will eventually see the truth. When someone lies and looks for you to buy into the information they usually want you to agree on the spot. They already know that their story won’t check out if you have enough time to analyze it. If someone is unwilling to let you sleep on the information in order to properly digest it, they are probably lying. Truth will still be truth in the morning, so there is no reason to rush things unless it isn’t the truth.
“您介意我考虑一晚上再决定吗?”——谎言,无论多复杂,最终从一个特定的角度看去就是纸一样薄的厚度。如果你有充足的时间来从各个角度去分析这信 息,最终你回看到真相。当一个人欺骗你并且期望你购买提供的信息的时候,他们通常希望你当场同意。他们知道如果给了你足够的时间去分析它,那他们的故事是 不会被验收的。如果某人不愿意让你对他的信息考虑一晚上的话,他们就可能在撒谎。真相还是早晨的那个真相,所以没有理由着急做决定,除非这不是事实。

6、How confident am I in this person? - This is a simple question that you have to ask yourself. You should try to determine if this person has any credible references. Sort out the reasons why you should believe them and why you should not believe them. Do you personally know anyone who has dealt with this person before? Think about it mindfully, what does your gut instinct tell you?